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Author: Avery

March 2018 Student Debt Statement

March 2018 Student Debt Statement

For the month of March, I did not make any payments at all. I had a couple of setbacks in life. My contract position ended earlier than expected due to lack of business needs which led me back to my part-time job. So at the end of March, I am currently in higher debt than I was last month. I accrued $340.53 in interest. The good news is those accrued interests are not being capitalized and I have 50% subsidy…

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7 Study Tips to be Successful in Pharmacy School

7 Study Tips to be Successful in Pharmacy School

Pharmacy school can be grueling. You are not only going to but are expected to spend 30-40 hours outside of classroom time studying on your own. If you consider going to class already a full time endeavor, consider going to pharmacy school as holding two full time jobs. I graduated cum laude from pharmacy school and was able to stay on Dean’s List throughout my entire time there. If there is one thing I can tell you about studying in…

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How to Develop the Mindset to Start and Continue to Budget

How to Develop the Mindset to Start and Continue to Budget

The saying goes that there are two ways to get more money. You make more or you spend less. It sounds simple enough, but like most things in life, easier said than done right? The good news is, of these two options, there is one that is easier to tackle and that you can easily control. I am talking about spending less. Think about how hard it is to make more money. You either have to work more hours at…

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How I Paid Off $50,000 Debt in 7 Months

How I Paid Off $50,000 Debt in 7 Months

I started my journey of paying off my student debt in July of 2017. From July 2017 to February 2018, I paid $46,877 to my student loans and $3,220 to my credit card balance. This is how I paid off $50,000 debt in 7 months. I attribute most of my success in paying my debt to cutting down my spending so I’m going to break down my spending for these 7 months. Then I will dive into what I did…

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Private Loan vs Federal Loan: to Refinance or Not?

Private Loan vs Federal Loan: to Refinance or Not?

One of the first questions that students are faced with after graduating with student debt is “Should I refinance?” So what are the pros and cons of a private loan versus federal loan? And which one did I choose and why? In this post, I will go through my experiences with different repayment plans and my journey of how I came to choose the repayment plan that was right for me. Private Loan The biggest perk of refinancing to a private…

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I Stopped Buying Makeup for a Year to Save Money

I Stopped Buying Makeup for a Year to Save Money

I was late in starting the makeup game. But boy did I start. And once I started I just couldn’t stop. I was obsessed with buying new makeup for years. Thankfully I finally put an end to it. This is how I was able to stop buying makeup for a year to save money. The Start of My Makeup Obsession I was a late starter, I only started wearing makeup my freshman year of college. Yes, I dabbled into the…

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How to Cut Spending: 3 Questions to Ask Before Every Purchase

How to Cut Spending: 3 Questions to Ask Before Every Purchase

Raise your hand if you’ve ever found yourself buying things that you really just don’t need? Do you find yourself asking how to cut spending? You may not be able to see me, but I am definitely raising my hand with you. But I’ve finally found a way to cut spending by asking myself these 3 questions before I make purchases.     1. If I don’t have a job right now, is this something I would buy? This is my…

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I Don’t Pay My Credit Card Off Every Month and It Saves Me Money

I Don’t Pay My Credit Card Off Every Month and It Saves Me Money

Some say the first rule in personal finance is to pay off credit card debt fully every month. Well, I disagree. With a caveat, of course. I have one, and only one reason why I don’t fully pay off credit card debt every month. And I do it without incurring credit card debt with ghastly interest rates. Let me tell you my hack on how I do just that. First, let me start off by saying I absolutely hate accruing…

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How Managing All My Finances in One Place Changed My Life

How Managing All My Finances in One Place Changed My Life

When I first entered college at the ripe age of 18, I only had one debit card that my mom insisted on making for me in middle school. Fast forward to 2018, I am now the owner of 3 credit cards, 2 debit cards, and 14 student loans from multiple lenders which can make it hard to keep up with each and every one of them. After years of experimenting, I have finally found how to manage my finances in one place…

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